The coordinator of iPhotoCult, IESL-FORTH (Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser – Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas), has an established international presence in the areas of Laser Science, Micro/nano-electronics, Polymer Science and Materials Science & Engineering. Its mission is to perform high quality basic and applied research, to develop and disseminate expertise and to provide education and training to young scientists. It operates a number of European Facilities, such as the European Laser Facility LASERLAB-EUROPE and has been awarded the Keck Award by the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. IESL-FORTH will design and develop 4 out of 7 Tools in iPhotoCult (MIR-PA, NLOM, OFS and DHSPI-IRT).


The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research institution in Italy. Its mission is to perform research in its own Institutes, to promote innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system, to promote the internationalization of the national research system, to provide technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs, to advice Government and other public bodies, and to contribute to the qualification of human resources. In iPhotoCult CNR is represented by the Institute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara”, Florence, Italy (CNR-IFAC), which carries out applied multidisciplinary researches in several fields of application. Here, it contributes to the development, and innovation activities dedicated to novel photonic, optoelectronic, and IT technologies and methods for material knowledge, diagnostics, and conservation of cultural heritage, as well as to dissemination and communication tasks of the Project. 

CARTIF has been applying innovative digital technologies and techniques to the research, protection, conservation, restoration and dissemination of CH for 23 years. CARTIF's CH Area brings extensive experience and knowledge in 5 key aspects: development of tailored UGV; Copernicus EO ; H-BIM ; Buildings and monuments digital inspection procedures; Moisture early detection. CARTIF will design and develop the UGV Tool as well as the WFPD Service of iSSP in iPhotoCult.

INOE - Center of Excellence for Restoration by 44 Optoelectronic Techniques, has more than 30 years of experience in the development of new remote sensing technologies for CH conservation and restoration. INOE's mobile laboratory has high autonomy and capacity to collect data for chemical analysis of multilayered structures without sampling, as well as in the detection and mapping of hidden defects. INOE is assigned as the European point of information in numerous pan-European Research infrastructures. INOE will design and develop in iPhotoCult the UAV Tool and participate as one of the CH pilots, by providing access to the project in 2 Romanian Monasteries (Tismana and Probota).

TCR is a dynamic and innovative startup with expertise in AI, ML and DL techniques, and track record in biomedical, flexible epidermal wearable's, wellbeing, lifestyle and precision agriculture applications. TCR in iPhotoCult will be involved in iSSP development - specifically in developing Predict iSSP Service - as well as in the Technology Transfer, Dissemination and Exploitation of iPhotoCult Results leading the corresponding WP.

EAGLEprojects main assets are smart software, advanced robotics and human capital. EAGLE specializes in Digital Twin creation, AI-based algorithms of detection, Visualization platforms. The company has expertise in design and development of cloud-based iSSP, providing services for (a) data processing, management and visualization.

UNIWA, boasts extensive experience in the field CH conservation, with a robust background in research and education. The laboratory is well versed in strategic planning and surveys, diagnostic examination for material characterization, conservation plan and treatment proposal design, preventive conservation, evaluation of treatment effectiveness in museums and sites, as well as the development of new conservation materials, methods and techniques. UNIWA in iPhotoCult will lead the coordination of the conservation and preservation methodologies and strategies of CH, the assessment of testing and validation results as well as the Pilots (CHP)

CCR, Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale”, a no-profit foundation established in 2005, is one of the three national, strategic poles for the conservation, research, and higher education on cultural heritage in Italy. The Centre hosts 9 restoration laboratories specialized on different artistic materials, scientific laboratories, higher education and Study School and the Master’s Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage of the University of Turin. Its activities, in the academic and professional sectors and defined by a strong interdisciplinary approach, range from education, planning and realisation of conservation interventions, diagnostic campaigns, preventive conservation strategies, applied research on conservation methodologies and analytical techniques. CCR in IPhotoCult will be involved in the validation of Hybrid Tool technique on artistic materials in laboratories and in real cases, in collaboration with the CH Pilot site of the Residenze Reale Sabaude.

LSA, has experience in laser-based, chemical, non-destructive analysis of materials. The company uses laser emission spectrometry to optimize the distribution of raw materials. LSA in iPhotoCult will evaluate, in collaboration with CNR, the Hybrid Tool, and more specifically the hybrid setups of LIBS-Raman, LIBS-NIR-SWIR, and LIBS-Vis-LIF, for technology transfer and industrial and commercial exploitation.

GNG, has an experienced, well equipped conservation directorate for the preservation of works in the Gallery's extensive collections. In iPhotoCult GNG will contribute to monitoring the state of easel painting materials, parchments, and CH items in transport.

CRRS, Consorzio delle Residenze Reali Sabaude, is responsible for promoting and managing The “Reggia di Venaria” and “Castello della Mandria”, a former residence of the Royal House of Savoy and a masterpiece of Baroque architecture. The architectural complex of the Castle and the Gardens, together with the others Royal Residences in Piedmont (Italy), is a Unesco World Heritage site since 1997 and, since has reopened to the public in 2007, has become a major tourist attraction and exhibition space. The main mission of the CRRS, partner of European Royal Residence network, is fruition, valorisation and, in collaboration with the CCR La Venaria Reale, conservation of collections and architectural heritage. CRRS in IPhotoCult is a CH pilot site contributing in the elaboration of preventive conservation strategies for its indoor easel painting collections and outdoor sculpture heritage.

AMTh, the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Greece, is one of the largest museums in Greece and the central museum of northern Greece, with collections that include numerous artefacts dating from the Prehistoric era to the end of antiquity. AMTh will perform an investigation of coating failures on nonferrous archaeological metals collections using iPhotoCult.

HCYL, Consejería De Cultura y Turismo De La Junta De Castilla Y León (Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports Junta of Castile and León) in Spain will contribute to this proposal with the structural problems of the historical Former Collegiate Gothic Church in the town of Roa, Spain.

TECN, Technopolis, the Industrial Gas Museum of Athens which constitutes a representative example of nineteenth-century industrial architecture. In iPhotoCult TECN will contribute to mapping and monitoring of soluble salts and corrosion on surfaces in remote areas of Industrial CH items.

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Funded by the European Union